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MasterkeyPro has several reports to choose from.

Pining reports that show you what pins to put in each chamber, master key, cross keying and more.

Master Keying Reports

Sample Reports from MasterkeyPro

The reports are what takes the confusion out of master keying and can save you many hours of frustration.

With MasterkeyPro you'll have two options when it comes to most reports. One is called the Data Reports, the other one is called Report Editor Reports.

The Data Reports are viewed and edited in a tabular format, stored in a database. The Report Editor Reports are viewed and edited in a word processor window. These reports are displayed in this type of window to allow you the option of typing directly into the reports at any place. As well as bold, font colors, cut and paste and more. Then easily save up to 9 reports on my exclusive Pinup Bar.

Having both options can be very useful feature to have.

Sample of a simple 5 pin pinning chart

Click an image below to enlarge and explore then thumb through